The Red Hot Chili Pepppers
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 Minor thing

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Anthony Kiedis
Fan Des Red Hot
Vrai fan des Red Hot
Anthony Kiedis
222 messages postés
   Posté le 31-07-2005 à 12:32:31   Voir le profil de Anthony Kiedis (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à Anthony Kiedis   

Minor thing


I Change the key from C to D
You see to me it's just a minor thing
He knows everything
To readjust you've got to trust
That all the fuss is just a minor thing
And I'm a minor king
He knows everything

You've got your bit part, Mozart
Hot dart acceleration
Pop art, pistol chasin'
Cat fight intimidation

To read a mind you've got to
Redefine the line to make your circle sing
He knows everything
You make a sound
The spell is bound to come around
It's just a minor thing

He knows everything
It's just a minor thing
And I'm a minor king
He knows everything

You've got your bit part, Mozart
Hot dart acceleration
Pop art, pistol chasin'
Cat fight intimidation
All out interfacing
Black star motivation
Vampire sugar junkie
Data basin' infiltration

Anthony Kiedis le créateur des Red Hot Chili Peppers
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